Review of:
Amanda Vickery, The
Gentleman's Daughter: Women's Lives in Georgian England.
New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998. 436pp.
ISBN 0-300-07531-6 (hb and pb)
(Published 2001. HSL/SHL 1)

In The Gentleman’s Daughter: Women’s Lives in Georgian
England, Amanda Vickery interprets letters and diaries and account
books written by elite Lancashire women and their network of
correspondents. Vickery’s principal concern is to debunk the
influential historical narrative that has linked eighteenth-century
economic developments with the supposed confinement of wealthier women
to the domestic, private sphere. As well as arguing against the
conventional separation of “private” and “public”, Vickery’s analysis of
these women’s networks also emphasizes the close connection between
“land” and “genteel trade”, the unity of “polite networks of gentry,
professional and greater commercial families”. The social boundary
which Vickery charts is the boundary erected and vigorously defended by
the polite against the vulgar.
The chapter titles signal the range of women’s
experiences documented by Vickery and her sense of the importance of the
ideology of politeness to her conservative subjects: “Gentility”, “Love
and Duty”, “Fortitude and Resignation”, “Prudent Economy”, “Elegance”,
“Civility and Vulgarity”, “Propriety”. Most of the chapters document
and interpret the life experience and writings of her subjects.
Vickery’s final chapter surveys female public life
- literature, the theatre, the
assembly, for instance - and is
of interest to any scholar of eighteenth-century culture.
Vickery’s book is of interest to historical sociolinguists for a variety
of reasons. First, she is attentive to the language of her elite female
subjects. She analyzes a nuance of grammar in order to identify their
social practices: if distinction from one’s servants was paramount to
politeness, did elite women do housework? An ambiguous use of the
personal pronoun is considered in “Prudent Economy”, a chapter charting
women’s real power in the home and its basis in the keeping of
information and the giving of orders. Vickery notes that Elizabeth
Shackleton’s sentence “We scowered all the Pewter & cleand all the
things in the Kitchen” could reflect either her direction or her active
participation. However, Vickery comments more often on lexis. Keen to
keep her subjects in “public”, Vickery examines how some of them
contextualize and define the word “public(k)”. Dominating the monograph
is Elizabeth Parker Shackleton, a prolific diarist and letter-writer:
Vickery shows how adjectives like “civil”, “polite”, and “genteel”
anchor Mrs. Shackleton’s judgement of servants, gentlemen, and
husbands. Unlike some historians, Vickery has chosen to retain the
original spelling and punctuation of her material: eighteenth-century
capitalization somehow intensifies the despairing vulgarity of Mrs.
Shackleton’s complaint that her husband “farted and stunk like a pole
Cat” in their conjugal bed.
Second, Vickery characterizes elite eighteenth-century women’s social
networks by analyzing individuals’ letters and diaries. Historical
sociolinguists like
Tieken-Boon van
Ostade, Fitzmaurice and Bax have applied the model of social network
analysis to the writings and language of eighteenth-century figures in
literary life; Vickery’s analysis is interesting because her subjects
are ordinary people - or,
rather, are elite but non-literary. Most of her subjects lived in a
large parish in rural Lancashire, in what was to become the “frontier”
of the textile trade that epitomized the Industrial Revolution. Vickery
examined “all letters and diaries that survive for privileged
women between about 1730 and about 1825 in the Lancashire Record Office
at Preston, irrespective” of their family’s source of wealth. Her book
makes some simple arguments about the role of gender and class in her
material. With respect to gender within marriage, Vickery argues that
“male prerogatives were taken for granted” but didn’t belie a “tight
bond of marital alliance”. With respect to class, Vickery maps and
seeks to quantify the permeable boundary between land and trade: members
of the same family moved in and from one and another, and over half of
Shackleton’s “social encounters” were with people in the professions and
greater trades. Only a third of Shackleton’s encounters were with
“retailers and craftspeople”, documenting the divide between “genteel”
and “common Trades”. Often Shackleton’s language will highlight social
nuances: “Betty Hartley Shopkeeper” was invited to tea, but must
nevertheless have known her place. Appendixes to the monograph further
classify the demographics of the participants in Shackleton’s social
interactions and in her correspondence networks; one appendix itemizes
all of the correspondence sent or received by Shackleton in her
never-ending quest for reliable servants, thus identifying her “Servant
Information Network”. Another topic of women’s letters was fashion:
clothes, like material culture generally, united the polite, and
distinguished them from the vulgar. By highlighting the types and
frequencies of epistolary and economic exchanges, Vickery also seeks to
show that these women were not passive prisoners in the private sphere.
Third, Vickery’s close study of her material identifies some conventions
of language, but also shows how these conventions could be deliberately
adopted and exploited by men and women. Courtship, for instance, had
its own conventions, many recorded in letter-writing manuals. Men could
and did exploit conventional subject positions: Vickery shows how
Elizabeth Shackleton’s first husband, Robert Parker, on some occasions
adopts “the conventional language of proposal”, “the role of the
plain-speaking man of honour”, on others “melodramatic attitudes … when
circumstances absolutely demanded it”. Women, too, could exploit
stereotypical roles. As a young woman being courted by her first
husband, Elizabeth had to acknowledge and exploit her subordinate status
when pleading with her father. Vickery contends that she sees Georgian
social hierarchies on their own terms, and that female pleading was not
always a sign of subservience, but could be exercised as policy and even
as power: “in a society habituated to hierarchical relationships”,
“female pleading…was seen as legitimate policy”, “the expression of
abject weakness … was the key to a successful petition”. Vickery also
contends that the cultural codes of politeness gave women cultural
licence to criticize men. Elizabeth Shackleton’s second marriage was
unfortunate, and Vickery describes her husband as “the absolute
antithesis of the polite partner”. Shackleton’s diary reveals both the
importance of the “civil” and the “polished” to her, and also her
husband’s assault on her values: “he shits in bed with drinking so
continualy”. Whether the cultural licence to criticize brought
Shackleton consolation is another matter: Vickery’s chapter on “Love and
duty” notes that married women had their own spheres of responsibility,
but also describes the situation of an unhappily married woman, pitted
against a “confederacy of husband, brother, and lawyer [that] show[ed]
patriarchy at its most cruel and crushing”.
Print is a major marker of cultural and linguistic modernity, and
Vickery observes its influence on the language of ordinary readers. She
characterizes Elizabeth Shackleton’s “language of civility” as similar
to that of some of her other subjects, as “profoundly derivative” of
eighteenth-century courtesy literature. What Vickery describes as
“linguistic models” are derived from periodical essays (Addison and
Steele), novels (Richardson), and letter-writing manuals. Vickery
insists that this “female literariness”, women’s reading and writing,
rooted them in public life. She is nevertheless skeptical about the
extent to which the sentimental fiction of the 1760s and 1770s
influenced the language of readers’ letters and diaries, seeing
“politeness and passion” as “rivals, not successive, philosophic and
emotional ideals”. And she highlights and indeed exploits the
idiosyncrasies of her individual subjects
- the social hypersensitivity
that provoked the prolific Mrs. Shackleton to “exploit a conventional
language to the full”, and the uniqueness of the “conjugal idiom” of
each married couple.
Vickery acknowledges some limitations of her material: not all social
relationships are recorded in diaries or letters, and not all of her
subjects left records behind. Vickery can only speculate on the motives
of John Shackleton for his boorish behaviour, for instance: “Perhaps he
saw himself simply protecting his manly pleasures? Perhaps he saw
Elizabeth Shackleton’s polite rules as so many artificial constraints
upon nature?” Vickery reminds us that Mrs.Shackleton was “ailing,
all-but toothless”, and “seventeen years his senior. Possibly then his
vulgarity was simply a destructive expression of impotent rage”.
Although Mrs. Shackleton’s prolific writings and hyperpolite personality
dominate the book, it is easy to keep track of other individuals:
Vickery writes engagingly, and has appended a biographical index of all
of the correspondents in Elizabeth Shackleton’s network, and for
selected correspondents within and outside five other networks at the
heart of this study.
This social history has paved the way for rigorous sociolinguistic study
of these individuals and of Georgian correspondence generally. In her
capacity as advisor to the microfilm publisher Adam Mathew, Vickery has
made accessible other manuscript material written by and pertaining to
eighteenth-century women: she is the consultant editor for Adam
Matthew’s microfilm series Women’s Language and Experience, 1500-1940:
Women’s Diaries and Related Sources. And by questioning received
wisdom about eighteenth-century social history, Vickery has reminded us
of the fallibility of some of the “history” that we might take for
granted when doing “linguistics”.
Carol Percy,
Department of English, University of Toronto, Canada
See also:
Amanda Vickery (ed.).
Women’s Language and Experience, 1500-1940: Women’s
Diaries and Related Sources.
Marlborough, Wiltshire: Adam Matthew Publications.