Home Collegerooster voor: Onderwijsadministratie Van Wijkplaats - Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Film- en literatuurwetenschap 2e jaar Bachelor |
Rooster gepubliceerd op 13-08-2015 8:32 |
FGW | Semester I, 2014-2015 |
Week | 36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 | 40 |
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Maa | 1
8 |
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10 |
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24 |
1 |
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26 |
Din | 2 |
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Woe | 3 |
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Don | 4 |
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1 |
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Vrij | 5 |
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Zat | 6 |
13 |
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1 |
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6 |
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Zon | 7 |
14 |
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2 |
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25 |
Opening academic year | |
Classes | |
No classes or exams, holidays | |
Exam and resit period | |
Start of regular classes: Mon, September 8 with the exception of Philosophy and some minors. |
Core curriculum groups |
Year calendar |
Dinsdag | Vak | Groep | Studiegidsnr. | Docent | Week | Locatie | Act.nr | ZRS-id |
10:00-11:00 | Symbolisme, hist. A-g WGR | 101 | 5542VSHAGW | Minnaard | 45 | LIPSIUS/148 | 7943 | A499422 |
10:00-12:00 | Symbolisme, hist. A-g WGR | 101 | 5542VSHAGW | Minnaard | 44 | LIPSIUS/307 | 7943 | A484844 |
11:15-13:00 | Symbolisme, hist. A-g WGR | 101 | 5542VSHAGW | Minnaard | 37-42,45-50 | VRIESH2/002 | 7943 | A484844 |
13:00-15:00 | Intercult.literatuurbenad. WGR | 101 | 5542V2001W | Hoving | 42 | LIPSIUS/227 | 3825 | A475785 |
15:00-17:00 | Cinema, Avant-garde en pos WGR | 101 | 5542VCAP2W | Hesselberth | 37-42 | VRIESH2/002 | 3878 | A494399 |
15:00-17:00 | Cinema, Avant-garde en pos WGR | 101 | 5542VCAP2W | Hesselberth | 38 | WIJKPL2/002 | 3878 | A494334 |
17:00-18:45 | Wetenschapsfilosofie LEC | 101 | 5000VWFH | Gijsbers | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/019 | 1163 | A470699 |
17:15-18:45 | Cinema, Avant-garde en pos WGR | 101 | 5542VCAP2W | Hesselberth | 37-42 | LIPSIUS/227 | 3878 | A475783 |
Woensdag | Vak | Groep | Studiegidsnr. | Docent | Week | Locatie | Act.nr | ZRS-id |
11:00-13:00 | Paragone LEC | 101 | 5542V2004H | Houwen | 47 | GRAV/111 | 3785 | A501149 |
13:15-15:00 | Intercult.literatuurbenad. WGR | 101 | 5542V2001W | Hoving | 37-41,44-50 | HUIZINGA/004 | 3825 | A475785 |
13:15-15:00 | Wetenschapsfilosofie LEC | 102 | 5000VWFH | Gijsbers | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/011 | 1397 | A471225 |
Donderdag | Vak | Groep | Studiegidsnr. | Docent | Week | Locatie | Act.nr | ZRS-id |
11:15-13:00 | Expanded Cinema LEC | 101 | 5542VEXPAH | De Bruyn | 44-50 | LIPSIUS/003 | 4739 | A475791 |
13:00-17:00 | Paragone LEC | 101 | 5542V2004H | Houwen | 42 | LIPSIUS/005 | 3785 | A497774 |
13:15-15:00 | Paragone LEC | 101 | 5542V2004H | Houwen | 37-41,44-46,48-50 | LIPSIUS/228 | 3785 | A475792 |
Vrijdag | Vak | Groep | Studiegidsnr. | Docent | Week | Locatie | Act.nr | ZRS-id |
11:15-13:00 | Filmbenaderingen WGR | 101 | 5542VFBENW | Verstraten | 37-39,41-42,44-50 | VRIESH4/008A | 3814 | A477596 |
Legenda | |
GRAV | Pieterskerkhof 6, 2311 SR Leiden |
HUIZINGA | Doelensteeg 16, 2311 VL Leiden |
LIPSIUS | Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD Leiden |
VRIESH2 | Matthias de Vrieshof 2, 2311 BZ Leiden |
VRIESH4 | M de Vrieshof 4 /Wtsgl 24, 2311 BZ Leiden |
WIJKPL2 | v Wijkplaats 2, 2311 BX Leiden |