Home Collegerooster voor: Onderwijsadministratie M. De Vrieshof - Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Chinastudies 3e jaar Bachelor |
Rooster gepubliceerd op 13-08-2015 8:32 |
FGW | Semester I, 2014-2015 |
Week | 36 |
37 |
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Maa | 1
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Din | 2 |
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Woe | 3 |
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Don | 4 |
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Vrij | 5 |
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Zat | 6 |
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Zon | 7 |
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Opening academic year | |
Classes | |
No classes or exams, holidays | |
Exam and resit period | |
Start of regular classes: Mon, September 8 with the exception of Philosophy and some minors. |
Core curriculum groups |
Year calendar |
Dinsdag | Vak | Groep | Studiegidsnr. | Docent | Week | Locatie | Act.nr | ZRS-id |
09:00-11:00 | Sem. Pol. Eco. and Int.Rel WGR | 101 | 5693IPI01W | Black | 37-42,44-49 | LIPSIUS/203 | 3105 | A474172 |
11:15-13:00 | Droom van de rode kamer (WGR) | 101 | 5683IDROW | Keijser | 37-40 | REUVENS/101E | 1743 | A495617 |
11:15-13:00 | Droom van de rode kamer (WGR) | 101 | 5683IDROW | Keijser | 41-42,44-49 | LIPSIUS/001 | 1743 | A495647 |
13:00-15:00 | Geïntegreerd Chin. IIIa In WGR | 101 | 5683VICAW | Chinees | 50 | EYCKH1/001A | 7163 | A500820 |
13:15-15:00 | Geïntegr. Chinees IIIa Adv WGR | 101 | 5683VTACAW | Chinees | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/112 | 7160 | A492488 |
13:15-15:00 | Geïntegr. Chinees IIIa Adv WGR | 102 | 5683VTACAW | Chinees | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/150 | 7161 | A492489 |
13:15-15:00 | Geïntegr. Chinees IIIa Adv WGR | 103 | 5683VTACAW | Chinees | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/151 | 7162 | A492490 |
13:15-15:00 | Geïntegreerd Chin. IIIa In WGR | 101 | 5683VICAW | Chinees | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/110 | 7163 | A492492 |
13:15-15:00 | Geïntegreerd Chin. IIIa In WGR | 102 | 5683VICAW | opl. chinees | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/116 | 12078 | A492828 |
15:15-17:00 | Shop till U drop WGR | 102 | 5683ISDW | Landsberger. | 37-42,44-49 | ARSENAAL/001 | 10356 | A491874 |
17:00-18:45 | Wetenschapsfilosofie LEC | 101 | 5000VWFH | Gijsbers | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/019 | 1163 | A470699 |
Woensdag | Vak | Groep | Studiegidsnr. | Docent | Week | Locatie | Act.nr | ZRS-id |
09:15-11:00 | Kranten lezen WGR | 101 | 5683TKRLW | Wiedenhof | 37-42,44-49 | EYCKH3/002 | 1710 | A491877 |
11:15-13:00 | Klassiek Chinees 3a WGR | 101 | 5683VTK3AW | Van Els | 37-42,44-49 | EYCKH4/005 | 1765 | A471912 |
13:15-15:00 | Tibet: State and Society WGR | 101 | 5482K1B07W | Verhagen | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/235B | 2117 | A472594 |
13:15-15:00 | Wetenschapsfilosofie LEC | 102 | 5000VWFH | Gijsbers | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/011 | 1397 | A471225 |
Donderdag | Vak | Groep | Studiegidsnr. | Docent | Week | Locatie | Act.nr | ZRS-id |
09:00-11:00 | Mantsjoerije WGR | 103 | 5683IMAN1W |   | 36-42,44-48 | VRIESH4/005 | 12077 | A492410 |
11:15-13:00 | Hybrid Tech: Mod.Art. Chin WGR | 101 | 5683IHTKGW | Moore | 37-42,44-49 | LIPSIUS/235C | 1732 | A471929 |
11:15-13:00 | Kranten lezen WGR | 102 | 5683TKRLW | Wiedenhof | 37-42,44-49 | EYCKH4/005 | 1711 | A471930 |
13:00-15:00 | Geïntegreerd Chin. IIIa In WGR | 102 | 5683VICAW | Chinees | 50 | LIPSIUS/204 | 12078 | A500822 |
13:15-15:00 | Geïntegreerd Chin. IIIa In WGR | 101 | 5683VICAW | Chinees | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/112 | 7163 | A492499 |
13:15-15:00 | Geïntegreerd Chin. IIIa In WGR | 102 | 5683VICAW | Chinees | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/110 | 12078 | A492504 |
15:15-17:00 | Geïntegr. Chinees IIIa Adv WGR | 101 | 5683VTACAW | Chinees | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/110 | 7160 | A492500 |
15:15-17:00 | Geïntegr. Chinees IIIa Adv WGR | 102 | 5683VTACAW | Chinees | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/112 | 7161 | A492501 |
15:15-17:00 | Geïntegr. Chinees IIIa Adv WGR | 103 | 5683VTACAW | Chinees | 37-42,44-50 | LIPSIUS/115 | 7162 | A492503 |
Vrijdag | Vak | Groep | Studiegidsnr. | Docent | Week | Locatie | Act.nr | ZRS-id |
11:15-13:00 | Material Culture in China WGR | 101 | 5683IMCCW | Wu | 37-39,41-42,44-49 | LIPSIUS/235C | 1750 | A471966 |
Legenda | |
ARSENAAL | Arsenaalstraat 1, 2311 CT Leiden |
EYCKH1 | P.N van Eyckhof 1, 2311 BV Leiden |
EYCKH3 | P.N van Eyckhof 3, 2311 BV Leiden |
EYCKH4 | P.N van Eyckhof 4, 2311 BV Leiden |
LIPSIUS | Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD Leiden |
REUVENS | Reuvensplaats 4, 2311 BE Leiden |
VRIESH4 | M de Vrieshof 4 /Wtsgl 24, 2311 BZ Leiden |