Home Collegerooster voor: Studiepunt - Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
a la carte rooster wijsbegeerte |
Rooster gepubliceerd op 07-07-2016 6:17 |
FGW | Semester I, 2015-2016 |
Week | 36 |
37 |
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Mon | 31
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Tue | 1 |
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Wed | 2 |
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Thu | 3 |
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Fri | 4 |
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Sat | 5 |
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Sun | 6 |
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Opening academisch jaar/Start colleges | |
Opening academisch jaar Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen | |
Colleges | |
Geen colleges of tentamens/Feestdagen/Verplichte vrije dagen | |
Tentamen- en hertentamenperiode |
Kerncurriculumgroepen |
Jaarindeling |
Maandag | Groep | Studiegidsnr | Week | Van/Tot | Docent | Locatie | USIS-Actnr. | ZRS-id |
Introd. Study of Islam LEC | 101 | 5851VITSIH | 37-42,44-50 | 11:15-13:00 | Kaptein | LIPSIUS/011 | 1041 | A538056 |
Philosophy of Mind LEC | 101 | 5012VPMH | 36-42,45-50 | 18:45-20:15 | * Rucinska | LIPSIUS/228 | 6945 | A535268 |
Philosophy of Mind LEC | 101 | 5012VPMH | 51 | 18:45-20:15 | * Rucinska | LIPSIUS/005 | 6945 | A535268 |
Dinsdag | Groep | Studiegidsnr | Week | Van/Tot | Docent | Locatie | USIS-Actnr. | ZRS-id |
Introduction to Buddhism (LEC) | 101 | 5481K1IBUH | 37-42,44-50 | 11:15-13:00 | Silk | LIPSIUS/005 | 1037 | A513924 |
Introduction to Buddhism (WGR) | 101 | 5481K1IBUW | 37-42,44-50 | 13:15-14:00 | Silk | EYCKH2/002 | 3605 | A520025 |
Introduction to Buddhism (WGR) | 102 | 5481K1IBUW | 37-42,44-50 | 14:15-15:00 | Silk | EYCKH2/002 | 3606 | A520028 |
Metafysica LEC | 101 | 5011VMFH | 36 | 15:15-18:00 | Sleutels | LIPSIUS/003 | 1050 | A513945 |
Metafysica LEC | 101 | 5011VMFH | 37-40,42,45-51 | 15:15-18:00 | Sleutels | LIPSIUS/011 | 1050 | A513945 |
Wereldmythen LEC | 101 | 5570BMHCH | 37-42,44-50 | 17:15-19:00 | Koning | LIPSIUS/005 | 1051 | A513948 |
Woensdag | Groep | Studiegidsnr | Week | Van/Tot | Docent | Locatie | USIS-Actnr. | ZRS-id |
Buddhist Art LEC | 101 | 5482K1B05H | 37-42,44-45,47,49-50 | 15:15-17:00 | Klokke/Raven | LIPSIUS/227 | 8579 | A528274 |
Buddhist Art LEC | 101 | 5482K1B05H | 46 | 15:15-17:00 | Klokke/Raven | LIPSIUS/002 | 8579 | A528274 |
Buddhist Art LEC | 101 | 5482K1B05H | 48 | 15:15-17:00 | Klokke/Raven | LIPSIUS/147 | 8579 | A528274 |
Ethiek LEC | 101 | 5011VETH | 36-42,45-51 | 18:45-20:15 | Sneller | LIPSIUS/011 | 1071 | A513999 |
Introduction to Hinduism LEC | 101 | 5481K2IHIH | 37-42,44-50 | 13:15-15:00 | Kanungo | VRIESH2/004 | 1083 | A513970 |
Donderdag | Groep | Studiegidsnr | Week | Van/Tot | Docent | Locatie | USIS-Actnr. | ZRS-id |
Antieke Wijsbegeerte 1 LEC | 101 | 5571VAW1H | 37-42,44-50 | 13:00-15:00 | Berg | LIPSIUS/227 | 2247 | A517565 |
Antieke wijsbegeerte LEC | 101 | 5011VAWH | 36-42,45-51 | 18:45-20:15 | Haas | LIPSIUS/028 | 1097 | A514101 |
History of Modern Philosop LEC | 101 | 5011VM1H | 36-42,44-50 | 09:15-12:00 | Uljée | LIPSIUS/028 | 1093 | A538103 |
History of Modern Philosop LEC | 101 | 5011VM1H | 51 | 09:15-12:00 | Uljée | ACAD/KLEINAUDIT | 1093 | A535258 |
Introduction to Buddhism (WGR) | 103 | 5481K1IBUW | 37-42,44-50 | 11:15-12:00 | Silk | LIPSIUS/002 | 8559 | A528348 |
Introduction to Buddhism (WGR) | 104 | 5481K1IBUW | 37-38,41,44-50 | 12:15-13:00 | Silk | VRIESH4/005 | 8560 | A540770 |
Introduction to Buddhism (WGR) | 104 | 5481K1IBUW | 39,42 | 12:15-13:00 | Silk | LIPSIUS/003 | 8560 | A540770 |
Introduction to Buddhism (WGR) | 104 | 5481K1IBUW | 40 | 12:15-13:00 | Silk | WIJKPL2/002 | 8560 | A540770 |
Taalfilosofie (LEC) | 101 | 5012VTFH | 36-42,45-51 | 13:15-15:00 | * Sundholm | LIPSIUS/011 | 1100 | A535260 |
Vrijdag | Groep | Studiegidsnr | Week | Van/Tot | Docent | Locatie | USIS-Actnr. | ZRS-id |
Wetenschapsfilosofie LEC | 101 | 5012VWFH | 36-42,45-50 | 09:15-12:00 | McAllister | LIPSIUS/005 | 1094 | A514116 |
Wetenschapsfilosofie LEC | 101 | 5012VWFH | 51 | 09:15-12:00 | * McAllister | ACAD/KLEINAUDIT | 1094 | A526470 |
Legenda | |
ACAD | Rapenburg 73, 2311 GJ Leiden |
EYCKH2 | P.N v Eyckhof 2, 2311 BV Leiden |
LIPSIUS | Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD Leiden |
VRIESH2 | Matthias de Vrieshof 2, 2311 BZ Leiden |
VRIESH4 | M de Vrieshof 4 /Wtsgl 24, 2311 BZ Leiden |
WIJKPL2 | v Wijkplaats 2, 2311 BX Leiden |