Home Timetable: Onderwijsadministratie Van Eyckhof - Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Pre-master English Literature & Culture |
Timetable Last published on 19-09-2017 3:19 |
Semester I,
2016-2017 |
SEPTEMBER | OKTOBER | NOVEMBER | DECEMBER | JANUARY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Week |
36 |
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52 |
1 |
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Mon |
5 |
12 |
19 |
26 |
3 |
10 |
17 |
24 |
31 |
7 |
14 |
21 |
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Tue |
6 |
13 |
20 |
27 |
4 |
11 |
18 |
25 |
1 |
8 |
15 |
22 |
29 |
6 |
13 |
20 |
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31 |
Wed |
7 |
14 |
21 |
28 |
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12 |
19 |
26 |
2 |
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Thu |
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22 |
29 |
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10 |
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1 |
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Fri |
9 |
16 |
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30 |
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28 |
4 |
11 |
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Sat |
10 |
17 |
24 |
1 |
8 |
15 |
22 |
29 |
5 |
12 |
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3 |
10 |
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24 |
31 |
7 |
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Sun |
11 |
18 |
25 |
2 |
9 |
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23 |
30 |
6 |
13 |
20 |
27 |
4 |
11 |
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25 |
1 |
8 |
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22 |
29 |
Subject to change.
Opening academic year | |
Opening academic year Faculty of Humanities | |
Classes | |
No classes or exams, holidays | |
Exam and resit period |
Core curriculum groups |
Year calendar |
Monday | Group | Catalog Nbr. | Week | Start/End | Tutor | Location | USIS-Actnbr. | ZRS-id |
Phil 1: Int Middle English LEC | 101 | 5621VFIMEH | 37-39,41-42,44-50 | 10:00-11:00 | Caon/Porck | LIPSIUS/019 | 1012 | A557878 |
Phil 1: Int Middle English WGR | 101 | 5621VFIMEW | 37-39,41-42,44-50 | 12:15-13:00 | * Murchison | EYCKH2/004 | 1773 | A561753 |
Phil 1: Int Middle English WGR | 102 | 5621VFIMEW | 37-39,41-42,44-50 | 13:15-14:00 | Caon | EYCKH2/005 | 1774 | A578858 |
Phil 1: Int Middle English WGR | 103 | 5621VFIMEW | 37-39,41-42,44-50 | 11:15-12:00 | Caon | EYCKH2/005 | 1775 | A578857 |
Phil 1: Int Middle English WGR | 104 | 5621VFIMEW | 37-39,41-42,44-50 | 14:15-15:00 | Porck | EYCKH2/005 | 1776 | A561768 |
Phil 1: Int Middle English WGR | 105 | 5621VFIMEW | 37-39,41-42,44-50 | 12:15-13:00 | Porck | EYCKH2/005 | 1777 | A561739 |
Tuesday | Group | Catalog Nbr. | Week | Start/End | Tutor | Location | USIS-Actnbr. | ZRS-id |
Academic Skills, pre-maste WGR | 101 | 5003KASW | 37-42 | 17:15-19:00 | Rowicka | LIPSIUS/130 | 3010 | A563936 |
Academic Skills, pre-maste WGR | 101 | 5003KASW | 44-50 | 17:15-19:00 | Rowicka | LIPSIUS/130 | 3010 | A563937 |
Class and Christian Legaci LEC | 111 | 5621VLCCLH | 37-42,44-50 | 19:00-19:45 | Liebregts | LIPSIUS/203 | 1749 | A561882 |
Intro to Lit Studies in En LEC | 101 | 5621VLILSH | 37-42,44-50 | 11:00-12:00 | Leeuwen | LIPSIUS/011 | 1047 | A574945 |
Intro to Lit Studies in En WGR | 102 | 5621VLILSW | 37-42,44-50 | 13:15-15:00 | * Fikkers | EYCKH3/002 | 1751 | A584148 |
Intro to Lit Studies in En WGR | 104 | 5621VLILSW | 37-42,44-50 | 13:15-15:00 | Akkerman | EYCKH2/003 | 1753 | A561827 |
Intro to Lit Studies in En WGR | 111 | 5621VLILSW | 37-42,44-50 | 17:15-18:45 | Leeuwen | LIPSIUS/203 | 1757 | A561876 |
The American Renaissance WGR | 101 | 5622KL3AMW | 37-42,44-50 | 13:15-15:00 | Kardux | EYCKH4/004 | 1763 | A587456 |
The American Renaissance WGR | 102 | 5622KL3AMW | 37-42,44-50 | 15:15-17:00 | Kardux | EYCKH4/004 | 1764 | A587457 |
The American Renaissance WGR | 111 | 5622KL3AMW | 37-42,44-50 | 19:00-20:30 | Kardux | LIPSIUS/235B | 1765 | A561880 |
Wednesday | Group | Catalog Nbr. | Week | Start/End | Tutor | Location | USIS-Actnbr. | ZRS-id |
Academic Skills, pre-maste WGR | 102 | 5003KASW | 37-42 | 17:15-19:00 | Rowicka | LIPSIUS/130 | 3011 | A563938 |
Academic Skills, pre-maste WGR | 102 | 5003KASW | 44-50 | 17:15-19:00 | Rowicka | LIPSIUS/130 | 3011 | A563939 |
Intro to Lit Studies in En WGR | 101 | 5621VLILSW | 37,39-42,44-50 | 11:15-13:00 | * Siglé | LIPSIUS/307 | 1750 | A584150 |
Intro to Lit Studies in En WGR | 101 | 5621VLILSW | 38 | 10:15-13:00 | * Siglé | LIPSIUS/307 | 1750 | A584150 |
Intro to Lit Studies in En WGR | 103 | 5621VLILSW | 37-42,44-50 | 15:15-17:00 | Akkerman | EYCKH2/004 | 1752 | A561911 |
Intro to Lit Studies in En WGR | 105 | 5621VLILSW | 37-42,44-50 | 13:15-15:00 | * Siglé | EYCKH2/005 | 1754 | A584151 |
Language Acquisition 5: Wr LEC | 101 | 5623V5LAH | 37-42 | 12:00-13:00 | Smakman | LIPSIUS/011 | 1110 | A574902 |
Language Acquisition 5: Wr WGR | 102 | 5623V5LAW | 37-42,44-50 | 13:15-14:00 | Smakman | EYCKH2/001 | 1833 | A561902 |
Language Acquisition 5: Wr WGR | 103 | 5623V5LAW | 37-42,44-50 | 14:15-15:00 | Smakman | EYCKH2/001 | 1834 | A561908 |
Language Acquisition 5: Wr WGR | 104 | 5623V5LAW | 37-42,44-50 | 14:15-15:00 | * Bovenlander | EYCKH4/005 | 1835 | A561910 |
Language Acquisition 5: Wr WGR | 105 | 5623V5LAW | 37-42,44-50 | 16:15-17:00 | * Jeffery | EYCKH4/005 | 1836 | A578921 |
Language Acquisition 5: Wr WGR | 106 | 5623V5LAW | 37-42,44-50 | 13:15-14:00 | Dorst | EYCKH2/002 | 1837 | A561899 |
Thursday | Group | Catalog Nbr. | Week | Start/End | Tutor | Location | USIS-Actnbr. | ZRS-id |
Class and Christian Legaci LEC | 101 | 5621VLCCLH | 37-42,44-50 | 15:00-16:00 | Liebregts | LIPSIUS/019 | 1100 | A575090 |
Language Acquisition 5: Wr WGR | 101 | 5623V5LAW | 37-42,44-50 | 16:15-17:00 | * Jeffery | EYCKH1/001A | 1832 | A584240 |
Literature 3B: 1678-1798 WGR | 101 | 5622KL3BRW | 37-42,44-50 | 11:15-13:00 | Dijkhuizen | EYCKH2/006 | 1758 | A561928 |
Literature 3B: 1678-1798 WGR | 102 | 5622KL3BRW | 37-42,44-50 | 15:15-17:00 | Dijkhuizen | EYCKH2/001 | 1759 | A561942 |
Literature 3B: 1678-1798 WGR | 103 | 5622KL3BRW | 37-42,44-50 | 13:15-15:00 | * Fikkers | EYCKH2/002 | 1760 | A578936 |
Literature 3B: 1678-1798 WGR | 111 | 5622KL3BRW | 37-42,44-50 | 17:15-18:45 | Leeuwen | LIPSIUS/235B | 1762 | A580971 |
Phil 1: Int Middle English LEC | 101 | 5621VFIMEH | 40 | 16:00-17:00 | Caon/Porck | LIPSIUS/019 | 1012 | A557878 |
Friday | Group | Catalog Nbr. | Week | Start/End | Tutor | Location | USIS-Actnbr. | ZRS-id |
Academic Skills, pre-maste WGR | 103 | 5003KASW | 37-42,44-50 | 13:15-15:00 | Rowicka | EYCKH1/001A | 3012 | A563941 |
Legend | |
EYCKH1 | P.N van Eyckhof 1, 2311 BV Leiden |
EYCKH2 | P.N v Eyckhof 2, 2311 BV Leiden |
EYCKH3 | P.N van Eyckhof 3, 2311 BV Leiden |
EYCKH4 | P.N van Eyckhof 4, 2311 BV Leiden |
LIPSIUS | Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD Leiden |